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Services Offered

We offer a full general practitioner service and can assist with the management of all acute and chronic medical conditions.

We believe in health promotion and by providing patients with health information and counselling, our aim is not only disease prevention, but wellness.


If you do have a chronic disease, we can assist with the following:

• Metabolic screening
• Initial diagnosis and management
• 6 monthly follow-up consultations with adherence to evidence-informed guidelines regarding laboratory testing, early screening, and referral for complications
• Patient education and guidance on lifestyle modifications and behaviour change with focus on prevention of complications
• Interdisciplinary team referrals – dietician, physiotherapist, biokineticist, orthotists, various specialists on site.

We also assist patients with:

• Insurance Medicals
• Visa Medicals
• Referrals to specialists
• Medico-legal assessments – including Road Accident Forms: RAF-1 and RAF-4 completions and other medical reports


We have developed a treatment approach combining the latest pharmaceutical agents together with dietician and biokineticists interventions, to assist patients struggling with their weight to achieve their own individual goals.

We believe in health at every size. We provide a safe space for patients to work on their own health priorities within an interdisciplinary team.

It is important to note that we believe in healthcare for everyone. We treat ALL patients equally regardless of weight, race, religion, gender and sexual orientation.

Intravenous (IV) Therapy

This is a doctor-prescribed, individualised service which utilises intravenous (IV) medication and vitamin or nutrient supplementation to assist in the management of various health conditions.

We specialise in the following:

• IV pain management – including ketamine infusions.
• Immune Booster IV therapy – specifically useful for cancer patients (especially those having chemo or radiation therapy).
• Anti-inflammatory/Auto-immune IV therapy
• Athletic performance and endurance IV therapy

All IV infusion therapy is administered by a doctor and/or a registered nurse, both of whom are trained and accredited in Advanced Cardiac Life Support (ACLS) or Basic Life Support (BLS) respectively.

The IV medication and vitamins used are manufactured in a registered pharmaceutical laboratory and adhere to SAHPRA regulations. They are not contaminated with unwanted “floaters” or pre-mixed with any preservatives.

The IV infusion therapy is provided in adherence with sterile protocols and in a comfortable environment at the practice.

Consider it a one-hour investment in your health – your body will thank you later!

Mental Health

We believe that mental health is equally important as physical health. We have adopted a patient-centred approach, and our aim is to support and empower our patients and their families, while improving their quality of life and level of functioning.

We assist with the diagnosis and management of the following conditions:

  • Anxiety
  • Depression
  • Bipolar mood disorder
  • Pre and postpartum depression
  • Schizophrenia
  • Substance dependence and other addictions
  • ADHD
  • Dementia
  • Stress management and lifestyle modification

Men’s Health

Men often take their health for granted. Most conditions are treatable if detected early. Men
of all ages should go for regular check-ups and screening. We provide quality health-care
using the most current, evidence-informed and technologically advanced methods.

We offer the following health-care services to men:

  • Wellness checks
  • Chronic disease screening
  • Sexually transmitted infections (STI) assessment, education, and HIV testing
  • Voluntary medical male circumcision and aftercare treatment
  • Erectile dysfunction
  • Urinary problems
  • Hormone replacement therapy – testosterone therapy
  • Medical weight loss

Women’s Health

Women have unique health care concerns, which affect them at different stages of their life. These are specifically related to their biological make-up, reproductive health and sexual health concerns. This requires regular check-ups and screening to prevent or treat specific health conditions.

We offer the following health-care services to women:

  • Breast cancer screening – including breast examination and referral for breast ultrasound and mammography.
  • Cervical cancer screening – including pap smears and referral to gynaecologist
  • Family planning and management of contraception
  • Pregnancy tests
  • Infertility assessment and referral
  • Maternal health and antenatal care
  • Sexually transmitted infections (STI) assessment and HIV testing
  • Assessment and management of common gynaecology conditions- such as recurrent urinary tract infections, vaginal discharge, irregular or heavy menstruation, polycystic ovarian syndrome, endometriosis, postmenopausal bleeding, chronic pelvic or lower abdominal pain
  • Peri-menopause and menopause assessment and management
  • Osteoporosis
  • Hormonal replacement therapy
  • Assist with referrals for mammograms, ultrasound, and bone mineral density scans.